
Sunday, May 29, 2011

My baby is officially 1 - Cupcake style!

I am officially the proud parent of a 1 year old, and we did it up right... in cupcake style! It's hard to believe that I should be calling her a toddler soon, but for now - she's still the "baby".

We had a little get together at the house for a few of her play group friends and family friends, and celebrated with family while we were over in Illinois the week after her birthday. I'm still behind from all of the party planning, partying, and traveling we did in May -  but hoping I can get back on track with things around here in June!

We even found a fun way to incorporate cupcakes into her 1st birthday pictures...

We took her 1st birthday pictures two days before her actual birthday at Olan Mills, I was happy with how they turned out!

Her party was on her actual birthday, and we had fun watching her (slowly) tie into her cake, open presents, and play with the other kids that were there.

She was actually fairly dainty about eating her cupcake, and we didn't even have to change outfits! :)

In summation, it's been a whirlwind month, and I realize that most of my blog posts have been about our personal family life - as I've just been too tired to hunt down any good shopping finds. Now that I'm onto the second trimester in my pregnancy, I'm feeling more energy and a bit more up to the task of doing more than "just making it through the day"! 

I've got a few things I'm excited about, that I'm going to share with you in future blog posts. One being her cupcake room items that finally all arrived (the company sent me some wrong items at first, but made it right) - and also some fun finds that I've found.... like the necklace company Cassia de Shanghai, where I'm anxiously awaiting a gorgeous necklace from that is on its way to me.

Other than that, hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend! And if you shop at Old Navy and like sales... they are having a major sale this weekend on summer items! I'm hoping to head over there later this afternoon to check out the baby items!

Friday, May 13, 2011

This 'n' That!

Well the cupcake-themed birthday supplies have arrived, and it's hard to believe that in a little over a week we'll be celebrating Cupcake's 1st birthday!

I also ordered some personalized party supplies, but you're going to have to be surprised and wait until after the party to see pictures of those. ;)

There are a few beauty things that I need to do separate reviews on once things settle down around here... I've been using the Make Up For Ever HD Foundation for the past week - and I have to say, I am loving it! It goes on really well and once it is on, it gives a nice look that isn't overly done. The best part is, I don't "feel" like I'm wearing liquid foundation, which is one of my biggest gripes about a lot of too heavy liquid foundations... when you feel like they're actually adding weight to your face!

I also received my Zoya Earth Day promotion nail polish order, and never shared my haul from that. I still need to swatch each individual color - but I do have to say that I found some gems! I absolutely loving Areej, Lillith, and Reece!

From left to right: Rihana, Kierra, Hope, Charisma, Lillith, Areej, Dana, Reece, Tallulah, Adina, Brizia, Uma, & Anne

My favorites: Kierra, Hope, Areej, Reece, and Brizia

And a bonus close up shot of my absolute favorite... Zoya Reece

I was excited to receive them all and get my nail polish stocked full of new summer colors! (As well as getting rid of some old polishes that just needed to get tossed anyways.) I hope that Zoya continues to do this promotion in the years to come, because I'll just make the Earth Day promotion my yearly nail polish stock-up time, instead of buying it here & there throughout the year!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cupcake's New Class - Swimming!

It's been a whirlwind few weeks and we're starting to count down the days until Cupcake's first birthday! 

I'm planning on just having a little get together at our house on her birthday (not an actual party... just a get together) - and then having cake with her family when we're in Illinois the following week for a graduation. It's too hard to plan anything here in Michigan with us being such a distance from the majority of our family, so I resigned myself to the fact that we would not try to throw a big birthday party this year... And maybe try to do something when we have less going on over in Illinois, so that relatives over there can come this direction.

So I've got myself busy with planning the birthday "get together", getting a few decorations (cupcake themed - of course) and planning what she'll wear for 1st birthday pictures, etc.

One new fun thing that we've started the past few weeks though, is swim class! And she loves it!

We signed up for mommy & baby swim classes at the YMCA, because I thought it would be a fun activity that we could do together - and also be good for her to start learning how to move in the water. I love swimming and pool activities - so it seems that she has taken after me in that respect. She loves the kicking, trying to push her arms across the water to get to a toy, and doesn't mind keeping her body horizontal in the pool.

On the way to swim class!
Getting ready in the locker room!

Before class, checking out what the older kids are doing in their class.

Warming up after class!

I think it's something that we'll keep doing for a while and sign up for the next session as well, because we're both getting a lot of enjoyment out of it!