
Friday, March 11, 2011

Deal of the Week & Friday Scrunchie Nose!

Friday is a fun day... it's the day before the weekend, and two days of freedom for a lot of people. Unfortunately for me, the weekend doesn't really mean sleeping in or not having to do anything all morning long, because Cupcake still hasn't gotten the memo that Saturday is supposed to be a lazy day.

The Deal of the Week for me this week was undoubtedly getting the Zoya Spring polish collection, normally $48, for the discounted rate of $25 on Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to sharing that good deal with you! Zoya Gemma & Jules will be a part of the first giveaway - and some of the other polishes may make appearances in future giveaways. ;)

I also went to the Gap to pick up another cardigan, and got a light Spring-like gray purple color. Absolutely loving this cardigan deal they have right now, and they are still $13.99!

Also, speaking of Gap deals... the Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy Give & Get program starts next week - with 30% off with this coupon  in-store and online with the code 'GIVEGETGES'. I know that Cupcake and I will be stocking up on some Spring essentials!

Although Gap in particular has been running a lot of special promotional codes lately, so if you miss this one it probably wouldn't be the end of the world. Gap also has in-store coupons for 40% off every Wednesday with a coupon you get with a purchase - so if you are able to get your items in-store (and don't have order special shortie inseams like I do) and it isn't a super inconvenience to only be able to shop on a Wednesday, then you might be better off taking advantage of the Wednesday deal for larger % off on a larger amount of items.

So without leaving you with too many words, I'll leave you with this fun video (one of my favorites) taken a few weeks ago on the day Cupcake turned 9 months old. She's a ham! (Scrunchie nose used to be exclusively reserved for chasing after the cats... but now it seems to be used anytime she's have fun and in a mood!)


  1. Very cute blog! Love the bags too!
    I'm a new follower from the hop.
    Hope you can hop over and follow me:

    I also have a Cheerios gift pack giveaway (not exactly what I wanted to give away, but, oh well.)

  2. Hi Nancy! Thanks for following! Love your blog! It's right up my alley! Heading over to check out your Cheerios giveaway! :)
    ~ Di

  3. I am so excited to get my Intimate Collection! I think it might get here tomorrow!!

  4. Thanks for the follow- following you back!

  5. Thanks for the follow, Milena!

    I am so excited to get the Intimate Collection too, PR! Mine was in shipping as well, so hoping it will show up today or tomorrow! :)

  6. Little cupcake is too cute.
