
Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Great Cupcake Remodel!

I got a flash of inspiration a few months ago for Cupcake's first birthday - Cupcake Tea Party theme - and then ideas just started taking off from there.

Why stop at a theme for just a first birthday party? Why not do her whole room in a cupcake theme for her first birthday?!?! I know it may seem like it's just a tad bit overboard. I guess I should back up and explain, that her room is currently done in a neutral animal theme, which is cute, but basically it is just alot of greens and browns with splashes of pink thrown in. I was trying to be good when I was pregnant, picking out things that were neutral, could be used for the next one, weren't an "overdose of pink" since it's so tempting when you find out you're going to have a girl... Yada, yada, yada.

I've had a change of heart since then though, because quite frankly - she is a girl, and I want to be overwhelmed by pink when I walk into her room. After all, as many of my mommy friends have since explained to me as she's gotten older, I've only got another good year or two that I can pick out the clothing she wears and how her room is decorated - before she starts calling the shots anyways. (They grow up so quickly, don't they? Already prepping for being a teenager at age three. )

So with that in mind, it was settled - cupcake theme for her room it is. Main colors? Pink, purple, pink, turquoise, pink, brown, and maybe once all of those have been used... a little more pink.

The first thing I did was have Erin from Cute Kid Creations make a custom room sign. Her work is amazing! I've purchased a few hair bow holders from her (which I will post about in a future blog), one which was personalized to match her current animal room theme. Cute Kid Creations can design an item to perfectly match whatever bedding or theme you might be using in your child's room. Her wait time extends up to 4 months before your item may be received, but trust me when I tell you... it is worth the wait!

Here is our custom made "Cute as a Cupcake" room sign from Cute Kid Creations:

I found these items at Hobby Lobby while on "vacation" visiting family in Illinois:

And I've ordered a matching hair bow holder from Cute Kid Creations, which I will post up pictures of when it arrives.

I also picked up these book ends at Homegoods right after I had the Cupcake Tea Party theme inspiration... There was a fair amount of squealing going on in the aisle when I found these. 

So it's a start at least, of course the biggest parts of the theme would be the bedding and fabric room decor, such as window coverings. Cupcake still does not use a blanket at night as it's something we wanted to wait to introduce until she was at least a year old, but since she will soon begin transitioning into using things like blankets once she goes into the toddler stage next Winter, I've got my eye on this bedding & accessories set from Trend Lab:

All cupcake room decor items from Trend Lab are available at BabiesRUs.

So, I will continually be on the hunt for other cupcake room decor items in the upcoming months and hope to even find a cupcake bedding set that has a little more purple in it, to more closely resemble our 'Cute as a Cupcake' sign. I cannot wait to share the final outcome with you!

1 comment:

  1. These are very cute ideas! Thanks for linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We love having you and hope you'll be back next week! -The Sisters
