
Friday, March 4, 2011

Mom's Got a Brand New Blog!

Okay... so I didn't actually get a new bag today... but I did get a new blog! I am axing the old blog and refreshing with a new view on things. Less of the generic overview of life, and more of a specific rambling on the things that I'm interested in at the current moment... which I'm sure will consist of a lot of handbags, shoes, cupcake items for my daughter's room (I'm sure you'll be hearing more about the great cupcake remodel soon), and clothing - but will also include just a bit of house & life as well. No more boxing myself into a corner of one topic only... everything is fair game!

I'm hoping to incorporate my You Tube channel occasionally, which is something I've never done before. I like to keep my Internet alter-egos separate (muhahaha - just kidding, kind of) - but I'm at a point in life now where it just makes more sense to incorporate things all together.

Just to catch everyone up to speed, I have one "dear daughter", nicknamed Cupcake, and who will ultimately be referred to as "DD" when I'm typing fast. (Sorry, force of habit from my forums days.) She keeps me busy as a stay at home mom by ransacking my living room and constantly finding new things in my house that we forgot to child proof. She's 9 months, crawling, pulling up, and cruising - but not walking yet and doesn't really seem to have an interest in walking. I'm fine with that. It's one more month that my coffee table books get to keep their pages in them until she realizes that she can actually walk back and forth BETWEEN the two places I have them displayed...

I also really love handbags, I've done online reviews and You Tube reviews of Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton handbags... but I also like Coach and Marc Jacobs. Louis Vuitton seems to be leading the pack as my "brand of choice" at the moment, since it seems just a tad more "baby-friendly" than Balenciaga. And I will be happy to share any upcoming purchases with you, although... it is probably gonna be a while.

I'm also kind of dabbling in designer shoes as of late - not 5 inch spike heel Louboutins, because I would fall over and break my neck... but comfortable ballerinas & sandals from the brands I've already started gravitating to for purses. I'm not sure if I can keep up with TWO obsessions though, so that one may stay on the back burner for now.

I'm a fan of eBay and reselling things when I'm not getting use out of them any longer to send them to a new good home - and I've also been known to score a few good deals on their myself to keep up with my love of all things expensive.

And last but not least, I enjoy decorating my house - but my hubby does not enjoy me decorating the house... so I will keep posts of that probably to a minimum. However, we do live in a project house right now (read: some things just need to get redone stylistically!) - so I'll be happy to keep you up to date on the things going on around La Casa de Cupcake Fashionista. And my mission to incorporate a cupcake decor item into each room of the house. It's like Where's Waldo with cupcakes...

In any case, do look forward to my upcoming posts on carpet installation (oh yes people, there is no carpet in my family room right now), vacations in Orlando, and whatever else I decide to ramble on about between now and then...

1 comment:

  1. Just received a cheque for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn by taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for participating in paid surveys to finally set the record straight.
