
Thursday, March 10, 2011

So we just got back from shopping...

... and you know it's been a fun day when you can make that statement!

We started out getting ready for meeting friends for lunch by playing around the house... and trying on the new Easter bunny ears that Nana sent in the mail to Cupcake.

It wasn't long before she decided that she wasn't amused with them...

So she decided to see if she could stand up and shake them off...

But to no avail... finally she was victorious by just tugging on a rabbit ear and pulling! And they became a toy... just like everything else in the house these days.

So after playtime, we headed to the mall to meet friends for lunch and had some quality girl time!

And while we were there... we picked up a few goodies for the Giveaway too!

And after discussing it with a our shopping buddies, I decided that I would make a few changes to the giveaway, since I'm so excited about getting it started! The first giveaway will start when we hit 50 followers on the blog or 50 'Likes' on the Facebook page. Which ever comes first. We also tossed around some ideas for future giveaways as well!

I've also posted additional information on the Giveaway page, and you can always contact me if you have any questions too.

All in all, it was a great day. Cupcake was tuckered out by all of the fun!

So Happy Thursday to you! Hope it was a great shopping day for you as well!

1 comment:

  1. She looked ADORABLE in those bunny ears! Thanks for following and visiting my blog. I am now a new follower of yours... Hope you have a wonderful week.
