
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bow making & Cupcake's Bow Collection

Cupcake is a bow girl.... she's been a bow girl since she was little, she was so good at leaving them in her hair - it would astound people when we would be out & about that she wouldn't take them out of her hair, and I would constantly get questions on how I got her to leave them alone! She only recently has decided to take them off from time to time. People have gotten so accustomed to seeing pictures of her with bows in, if I do take a picture where she's not wearing a bow, I get comments like, "Where's her bow??"! So it's become part of our daily routine that we just pick out a bow to go with her outfit when we're getting clothes for the day...

So in light of our fondness for bows, bow holders are a "must" in our household to keep them all organized... I came across the personalized room decor store Cute Kid Creations towards the end of my pregnancy, and knew that we were going to be needing a bow holder for her room! She does absolutely fantastic work, and like I mentioned in a past blog post about the Cupcake remodel, there is a significant wait time for your items to be done (up to four months or longer in busy times of year) - but it is so totally worth it!

This was the first bow holder I received from Cute Kid Creations, I purchased this ready made holder to get me through until our personalized one was done:

Now I use this holder to keep our flowers and holiday bows that don't get daily use.

Once her personalized bow holder arrived, it matched her room perfectly! I moved all of her daily use bows onto it and it became our "go to" bow holder. (And it also has hooks for headbands, which we don't use as often since she has so much hair.)

Alot of her bows I've ordered from the Internet or have even gotten her basic "everyday" ones at Target and Babies'R'Us... Since she started wearing them so much, I got a wild idea one day when she was about 4 months old to try to make my own bows for her to match specific outfits, and it's become a fun hobby! My favorite kind to make are the korker bows and I like the look of a korker bow overlaid on a regular bow.

Made by Mommy - Hot pink bow with korker overlay

I've been able to add to Cupcake's collection without having to spend upwards of $12+ on a bow by making them on my own, and it's a fun thing for me too. Here are some other bows from her collection that I made:
Made by Mommy - Hello Kitty bow with korker overlay

Made by Mommy - Zebra print triple loop bow

Made by Mommy - Holiday bows & 1 clip

Other Made by Mommy bows!
And this is a new type of bow I'm just starting to experiment around with making... the fan loop bow:

All in all, it's been a fun project that I could do for Cupcake and it's something that she can actually get some use out of as well. In a future blog post, I'll do a post about quick and easy ways to make cute bows - because it really is a lot of fun!

Shamefully, I have another bow holder on order at Cute Kid Creations that I will share with you when it arrives... it's to match the cupcake theme though! So it should look totally different from the ones we already own! 

So there you have it, Cupcake's current bow collection - we love our bows!


  1. making hair bows is TOO fun. yours look great!

  2. I'm a huge fan of bows for my daughter's hair. I ordered a bunch from Etsy - and I always pick up more from Gymboree when they have a buy one get one half off...and during sale times, they even sell them for .99 to 1.99!

    Your home-made bows are amazing! Love the blue korker one and the sweet watermelon one.

  3. Found you through the Mom Blogs! What a cute idea these bow holders are!! Thanks for sharing! I haven't made bows for my girls, but I make a lot of twirl skirts! Girls are so much fun to dress up!
    And your daughter is too cute!!
