
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Britax B-Ready Double Stroller Review

The first item we purchased with "two kids" in mind has been the Britax B-Ready Stroller, which can be used as a single or double stroller and has multiple configurations that it works in. Cupcake's convertible car seat happens to be a Britax, and it was our first product that we had tried from the brand. Once we purchased her Britax Marathon 70 and LOVED it (for the safety, as well as aesthetic reasons), we knew that all new car seats that we purchased from here on out would be the Britax car seats.

With that in mind, once we found out we were expecting again - we realized not only were we going to have to find a double stroller to accomodate an infant and a toddler - but we were going to have to find a stroller that accommodated a Britax infant car seat, if we didn't end up using the Graco infant car seat that we already owned.

So we did actually look into a number of brands, and did comparisons - and also considered that we might not be able to use a Britax infant car seat when we first started out. After looking at them all throughly online and a few in-store... the Chicco Together Tandem stroller (I have the Chicco Cortina and LOVE it, btw), Baby Jogger City Select, even the Sit 'n' Stand strollers and some Graco double stroller models that Babies'R'Us had on the floor... I knew it was going to be the Britax B-Ready. I was pleasantly surprised when my husband also agreed!

He suggested we go over to Buy Buy Baby to see one in person, and go ahead and pick it up while the "get a free item" sale was going on, if we liked it. Once we got to the store and tried it out, it was a YES. The demo model at the store had the second toddler seat attachment, and Cupcake sat in it no problem. She was happy to peak at the world from the sides of the seat - and was particularly entertained by the zipper on the back of the top toddler seat.

Since Britax was doing a giveaway of an infant carseat, second toddler seat, or bassinet attachments with the purchase of the B-Ready - we had to decide what our free item was going to be. We had a Graco carseat that we used with Cupcake and could have used it again... but we decided to go ahead and get the infant car seat as our free item, and we will purchase the second toddler seat (to fit on the lower level) at a later time.

So this is what it looks like!

We got it in red, because it was one of the few stock colors that Buy Buy Baby had in stock. One of the things that we really loved, was that you have the option of putting the infant seat on the lower level or upper level. We purchased the infant lower level car seat adapter so that the infant seat could be used with the regular toddler seat in the upper level position.

Regular toddler B-Ready seat attached, with infant car seat adapter on lower level. Infant rear facing.

Regular toddler B-Ready seat attached, with infant car seat adapter on lower level. Infant forward facing.
Every time you click one of the pieces into the configuration you want the stroller in, it makes a "click" noise to let you know it's locked and is easy enough that I would be comfortable changing the configurations myself - if I was on the go out on my own during the day.

Here is a list of some of the configurations you can use on Britax's website:

I've been using the B-Ready as a single stroller for the past week since we made our purchase, and I can honestly say that I love it! It's easy to maneuver, and easy to get in and out of the back of my car. (One of the biggest considerations for a double stroller for us, was making sure it would fit in the back of a Honda CR-V!) It's footprint isn't much larger than a regular single stroller (even when being used as a double stroller), and I really like that. In fact it became one of the biggest selling points about the B-Ready as to why I liked it so much.

We don't have second toddler seat yet, since it will be awhile before we need it... but I will be sure to update once we purchase the second toddler seat on how I like using the different configurations and what it seems like our most used ones are.

All in all, I think is was a solid purchase and definitely the best stroller purchase for us! We needed a double stroller that didn't have a huge footprint, wasn't so heavy that a pregnant lady (or otherwise wimpy when lifting lady) couldn't get it out of the car, and was easily maneuverable in a variety of locations (i.e. the grocery store, mall, Target, theme parks, etc.)... and we found that in the B-Ready. I can't wait to try it out with two little munchkins!

(This review was done independently and the reviewer did not receive any compensation from companies mentioned to do the review.)

1 comment:

  1. Once you used the two toddler seats how did you like it?
