
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Fun! And what we've been up to!

Well, I've been remiss in blogging, but it's been a busy past week or so, with family in town visiting and trying to keep the house going. Hopefully I'll be back to my regular routine in the next few days! Some fun exciting things have been going on though, all of which will be the topics of future blog posts... Cupcake starts her first Mommy & Me swimming class today (so excited!), lots of pictures to follow of that... I actually DID get a new bag finally, which I will be excited to share with you in a future blog post, and the Great Cupcake Remodel is going well! I actually found the PERFECT bedding set to go with the theme I had in my head for the Cupcake Tea Party theme, and it is on its way to me! Lots of pictures of that to follow as well!

For today though, I just wanted to share a little Easter fun we had over the weekend... It will be one of Cupcake's "last first" holidays, since she'll be turning 1 year old soon! Then she will have "been there, done that" for all of them!

She opened her Easter basket first thing...

And also had a few packages from grandparents waiting for her as well...

Later in the day, we decided to play a little dress-up - and make sure one of the outfits I've had for a while in mind for her 1st birthday pictures still fits. (It does, hooray!)
Not actual shirt I'm planning on using... but we just had it on so she wasn't in the buff!

Her first pair of "designer" shoes... :)

Then we took some time to swing outside and play with her new bubble gun...

All in all, it was a great day! Hope that you & yours had an awesome Easter as well!

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