
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Toddler Soccer!

Well today was our second week of toddler soccer - and while Cupcake's listening skills still haven't really improved much, it was still a hoot and lots of fun! I feel like she's probably a bit young for the class but we will finish out the session. I paid more attention to the ages of the kids this week, and it seemed like most of the "toddlers" were speaking in full sentences and had enough gross motor skills to be able to kick the ball between their feet. Cupcake was definitely the youngest one there!

This week there was also machines working on one side of the field replacing the glass around the outside, so she was more interested in watching what they were doing and waving at them, then following the teacher's instructions. (And as a former dance teacher, I realize that this sort of pupil is kind of a nightmare, sigh...) She also had extreme interest in waving "bye bye" at the machinery and crawling into the soccer goals... insert Mommy sigh here.

Still... I would have liked if her listening skills were a bit more and the middle of class tantrums were a bit less... so I'm hoping that by the end of the 10 week class I will see a marked improvement from the nearly 2 year old that started the class. We'll see.

Regardless, she does make not playing soccer look super cute.

Mommy Vlog of our toddler soccer day to follow shortly (hopefully tonight) on my mommy vlogging You Tube Channel:

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