
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finally a purse tag video on You Tube!

I did a bit of searching and I could not find a purse related tag video anywhere on You Tube to do... I honestly couldn't believe it at first! How could there be no purse tag videos! I've really been into doing tags this month, because I find them just a really fun video to do and they are very stress free. (Compared to reviews and other videos like that where I'm trying to make sure that I'm getting as much information in for people as possible.)

There is a popular "confessions of a shoe-a-holic" tag that has been completed by many, many You Tubers... and has been around for a number of years. I decided to adapt this tag for the purse lovers out there, and thus - the "Confessions of a Purse-a-holic Tag" was born!

Please send me your video back as a video response if you complete the tag, and you can also send me your answers on Facebook or in a comment here... if you don't do You Tube videos. I would love to hear your answers as well!


  1. I added you a Featured Guest Host on Weekend Blog Walk. :) Thanks for joining in last week!

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  2. New follower from the Weekend Walk blog....hope you'll stop by and follow me back!!! Have a great weekend.

  3. what a great idea! found you via the restless link up and am excited to follow along xo
