
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Writing break, upcoming fun, & more!

Well, as you may have noticed... I've taken a bit of a writing break in August. I needed a bit of refocusing time, to refresh, and figure out how to redirect the blog for the rest of the year. I like to keep the blog a fine balance of personal and product oriented, but at times it seems to swing more one way than the other... At that point, I like to refocus and assess whether my balance is fine as it is, or whether I need to adjust my writing on the blog to include additional elements that I would like to be here!

I haven't blogged about family or the girls in quite some time, so coming up in September I would like to bring some more blogs about what has been going on with us around the house. Not that anything too exciting is happening... but I do like to look back on my blogs to see what the girls were up to from time to time as well.

Also, I do have some exciting projects coming up that I've been working on for the blog and You Tube - there will be a giveaway at the end of August, I started a series on my Bags4Bubbles You Tube channel today of handbag wear & tear/maintenance videos that have been highly requested as of late, and I also just completed a "day in the life" video that should be posted on beingmommywithstyle by the end of the week! I will be sharing those on the blog in the next week, and the giveaway will be live by the end of August!

So we've been keeping busy! Looking forward to sharing more of what we've been busy doing with you!

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