
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Playing a bit of catch up!

Well, things have been busy, busy, busy!! We've been swapping out cars, going to lessons, and getting things done around the house... all this has not left a lot of time for blogging unfortunately! I have continued to do videos for Stay at Home Mom September on my You Tube channel, beingmommywithstyle. I've also posted a few fun videos on Bags4Bubbles as well.

As a part of SAHM September, I have added additional videos on Finding Mommy Time & a Gymboree Clothing Haul!

On Bags4Bubbles, I've shared my new favorite item to collect... and a favorite makeup look.

I'm hoping things will get a bit more back to "normal" soon, as it seems like we've been so busy lately - I've hardly had time to even assess what we've been up to! I have been enjoying my additional Zumba classes at the gym and addtional activities for the girls.

In bag related news, I haven't had a wishlist for the longest time... and I think I finally have one forming! So as I think on it a bit more, I'll have to do an updated post, with what I *think* my wishlist for the future is going to be!

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