
Friday, October 5, 2012

Our rainy day at the pumpkin patch!

We attempted to check out a pumpkin patch this week... but unfortunately it was rained out. We were supposed to be meeting a mom's group there for a fun kids day and the day that was blocked out in our schedule happened to be the worst day weather wise to be outside! (Isn't that always the way?) I already had the kids loaded up in the car and ready to go - when the mom's group event was canceled... but I decided to still go over and check it out, to see if we should plan a family day there on a weekend when Daddy could go with us.

Here's our day in the life, of pumpkin patches (sort of), and running errands!

Cupcake got to pick out some cute small pumpkins for Peanut and herself!

At least I got a few fun indoor pictures of their matching Halloween outfits!

A 2 year old version of "Cheese!"...

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