
Friday, January 4, 2013

Pre-School at Home!

We're starting a new project around our house at the beginning of the new year, that I'm calling "Pre-School at Home"! It will just be a bit more formal learning time and structured learning activities for Cupcake, as she gets older and gets ready to go off to a few days of pre-school herself, perhaps next year. I thought we could begin working on basic things like furthering her reading, addition, subtraction, calendar basics, learning time, and other foundation learning activities to continue the learning we had already started at home.

I laid out our goals for the year with a brief introduction:

The program will primarily start out with just Cupcake (2 years, 7 months old) and will eventually be a combined learning program for Peanut as well, once she is 18 months old. (We begin reading basics at our house around 18 months old. She has already shown interest in books, so I am hoping we can capitalize on that enthusiasm!)

I also shared our first two weeks worth of lesson plans, which are fairly basic and just to get us started. I'm hoping to continually add to the lesson plans, both in structure and content wise, so that by the end of the year they are an advanced version of what they started out as...

I'm excited to begin this journey of more doing more learning activities at home in addition to the reading skills we were already doing... and looking forward to seeing what the girls' favorite parts of it are. Each week we will have a different theme, different letter focus, number focus, book focus, worksheet activities, art activities, and other motor skill activities or field trips that are related to that week's theme. I think it should be a fun adventure!

Here are Week 1 and Week 2's lesson plan outlines, for your personal use if you would like to gain ideas for your own home!

Pre-School at Home Week 1

Pre-School at Home Week 2

* Lesson plans are for personal use only, please do not distribute. All content above is my personal opinion.

1 comment:

  1. How did you get your 18 month old to be so interested in books? How did you start to teach her how to read? I'm a new-ish mommy (my 1st and only so far is 16 months) and I would love for my son to be as advanced as your daughter when he hits two! Please any tips and advise would be much appreciated!
