
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Surprise perfume love!

I do not normally go for perfumes that are celebrity endorsed, sometimes it seems like the actual quality of the perfume can be overlooked since there is a celebrity name on the front to compensate for the content. I normally, can pass right by them without second glance and do not feel like I'm missing out on anything.

I received a sample of Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck Enchanted from Sephora, and tried it on a whim not anticpating much of it... but I have to say - it was REALLY great! A sweet and subtle scent that was reasonably long-lasting and the bottle is gorgeous too. It starts out sweet and fruity, and settles into a lovely girly scent that you don't mind catching a whiff of during the day. After using most of my mini sample, I do believe this perfume is going on my "must have" list for perfume purchases in 2013!

Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Enchanted,, $49.50

If you haven't tried it already and like sweet scents, you should head over to Sephora to check out a sample!

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